The GED (General Educational Development) credential is highly regarded by colleges and employers. People who obtain their GED credential demonstrate abilities normally associated with completion of a high school program of study. The GED test is referred to as a "high school equivalency" test.
The GED test is computer-based and consists of four subject tests (Reasoning through Language Arts – Mathematics – Science – Social Studies). You may register online at for the GED test. The registration process is very easy and simple. During registration you will select the tests you want to take, the test location and test dates. You will also pay your test fee online using a credit card, debit card or test voucher.
The GED practice test called “GED Ready” is also available. Your questions can be answered and resource information obtained about the GED by reviewing the website listed above. If you need assistance call 540-674-3652 or email
十大网赌软件推荐 Office of Transitional Programs